An early mock-up of COVID-19 cell before it morphed via "herd immunity," to variants. |
First, came the horrific death toll and pictures, when last March COVID inundated hospitals so badly that folks were turned away and had to die at home. There was no testing. Trump had botched that and everything else he touched regarding the United States health disaster. Trump, though he knew how bad COVID was, did nothing against the massive influx of Europeans with COVID who landed at JFK and Newark airports and asymptomatically spread the disease. With community spread, the infection rates skyrocketed and killed the elderly first. The old were the #1 target of COVID. We knew that early on. Trump knew that early on. He did nothing about it as a national disaster until the press shamed him. But he knew in January about COVID. He pretended it didn't exist for as long as possible, then did something in late February and the second week of March.
Early on exhausted health care workers were applauded in NYC & elsewhere (courtesy of the site) |
Trump knew the score in January, as he told Bob Woodward months later in Woodward's book Rage. But regardless, because Trump disrespected the American people and ditched Obama's Pandemic plans in 2018, he was incompetent and negligent to keep Americans safe, let alone New Yorkers. And the RNC and GOP agreed with him and had to paper over his botch job: Fox, Hannity, OAN, RT, SPUTNIK, SINCLAIR NEWS SYNDICATE, NYP, NEWSMAX talked about COVID like it was the flu or a hoax. They are ALL GUILTY OF MURDER of the elderly. All of them because they treated it like it didn't exist. They followed Trump's lead and the GOP's lead. Behind the scenes, news media were scared to death, wore masks, socially distanced and disinfected themselves.
Hannity and Murdock on Fox News supported Trump's lies and lies and lies (courtesy of the site) |
When Trump, on his son-in-law's direction, (allegedly because Trump always finds a scapegoat to blame) left the COVID response up to the states. The only governor who was outspoken, directed and presidential was Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York. He was THE BLASPHEMY against Trump, the RNC and Putin's GOP. By declaring Executive Power because it was a national crisis, Cuomo took charge, prevented inaction, incompetence, laziness and stupidity within his own state governance and led New Yorkers to lower an obscene infection rate (the worst in the world at that time). It was a rate that Trump was responsible for encouraging and spreading because Trump in his twisted logic feared an economic disaster would destroy his reelection.
Cuomo handled Trump's botch job with intelligence and expertise (courtesy of the site) |
Blaming blue state governors for mishandling COVID, Trump mishandled COVID. See articles on this blog about how, when and where if you still think Trump is a god and loves you, taxpayer.
I cannot tell you how I and my friends appreciated Governor Cuomo's briefings along with his handpicked team who were among the best and brightest to help keep New Yorkers informed when Trump and the RNC were doing everything in their power to lie, cover-up, stop, not the spread, but stop the truth from being revealed. I made a mistake to think that everyone would think Governor Cuomo was doing a great job. Meanwhile, the Republicans in the state were listening to Trump's cries of "freedom" and "open" despite the pandemic attacking everyone it could get its hands on who didn't use public health measures. Republicans everywhere were enraged daily by Cuomo. He told the truth to New Yorkers and the nation. Trump lied. Trump was the incompetent, depraved negligent. It was obvious. People were cheering Cuomo on to be president. Friends repeated this to me over and over. I stood with Cuomo; he wanted to stay and help New York. Regardless, his leadership was paramount and he gave advice about good leadership in his book. A DOUBLE BLASPHEMY.
Michigan insurrectionists in the making, signaled by Trump to "open" and kill seniors, exacerbating the COVID COMMUNITY SPREAD (courtesy of the site) |
The fact that the man is literate, told the truth about COVID and was a presidential danger in the future??? WHAT A NIGHTMARE. The fact that he created a governor's coalition to work together against COVID AND UNITE INSTEAD OF DIVIDE??? A BLASPHEMY OF THE BLUE DEMOCRAT DEVILS!!! "THEY MUST GOOO," thought Republicans and their allies, Russian Military Intelligence, Putin. CUOMO MADE TRUMP LOOK NEGLIGENT AND HATEFUL.
Forces ranged against Cuomo, a magnificent leader. (now that has morphed to blue governors). Republicans conspired: Cuomo must be brought down. And Fauci with him. Putin helped as did the RNC PR MACHINE creating PLANDEMIC THE GREAT HOAX OF COVID. (a lie that killed and still kills as Trumpers don't mask or take public health precautions)
Cuomo must go. That was clear. But how to stop him from his briefings that encouraged and inspired the nation? If you listened but forgot exactly what Cuomo said, the tapes are on YouTube. He was anointed in goodness. That was the biggest outrage of all for the RNC. Satanists hate truth and goodness. No Republican in the United States was as eloquent, uplifting and hopeful from a state that had an infection rate that was beyond nightmarish. What to do? They were losing their power every time Cuomo opened his big, fat, ugly mouth. The goodness must be distorted, slimed, miscategorized, called into doubt. The person must be made to look like a shit, a liar, a douche bag. But how?
Stockholm, Sweden: Trumpers Stockholmed for "herd immunity" to save Trump and the economy, though community spread targeted seniors first with high infection rates (courtesy of the site) |
Nursing Homes! One of the places where there are Trumpers and their relatives who hate Cuomo can be riled up, was a perfect place to begin. To distort, mischaracterize what was happening in nursing homes was easy to do because no one knew how COVID got into nursing homes via asymptomatics at the time. There was no widespread testing, tracing and tracking. Certainly, to expect that from Trump in a national plan was INSANE. To expect widespread testing, tracking, tracing pushed by the Republican Party was INSANE. Besides, COVID was a "blue state" disease. Blame Democrats and get reelected. Trump a loser, with a loser mentality selects loser actions. WITH COVID, TRUMP COULD HAVE BEEN A HERO. He elected to choose the loser's way. DIVIDE.
Despite Trump pushing it was a BLUE STATE DISEASE, Trumpers and Trumper families of the elderly got it and died. So much for "blue state" disease. But if it happened in New York, Cuomo must be blamed for doing a bad job. Except, he was doing the best job in the entire US without Trump's determined help, without the help of the Republican Party. Trumpers blamed him regardless of what he did BECAUSE HE WAS TRUE BLUE AND HIS DISGUSTING FATHER BEFORE HIM AND HIS DISGUSTING BROTHER LAWYER ON CNN. DISGUSTING, ROTTEN AND VERY PROGRESSIVE. EWWWW!! Republicans steamed; Trump seathed.
Trump ordered Barr to get nursing home deaths from NY and blue states. Red States had mammoth numbers. They weren't investigated; their numbers were covered up. (courtesy of the site) |
The nursing home smear didn't work like the RNC PR machine wanted it to. Cuomo was a disgusting danger to Republicans because Trump was doing nothing according to Cuomo. And Cuomo was right. It didn't have to be this way if they only listened to CUOMO. Trump, a loser always, ignored Cuomo. The numbers spread across the nation while the infection rate in New York decreased. It was obvious to educated New Yorkers: the papers like Murdock's New York Post lied as it always does and misreported the numbers and mischaracterized the deaths. Cuomo stated in his briefings the number of nursing home deaths and then put the nursing home deaths in with the total number of deaths. Deaths were always reported in New York. Deaths were miscounted, covered up and misreported in all the Red States on Trump's demand.
Where is that investigation of nursing homes in Red States? Well, it won't be done by Republicans. Republicans only feel the need to smear Cuomo and blue states and will investigate Democrats. Why would they investigate their own malfeasance, incompetence, misgovernance, negligence, manslaughter-depraved heart murder? Republicans, themselves said (Lieutenant Governor of Texas) the old should sacrifice their lives for the the economy. If the old die, they have to go sometime; better them than the economy. Better the old sacrifice their lives and open the economy so Trump can win the 2020 election they and Trump reasoned.
Texas Lieutenant clamors for elderly to sacrifice and die for the economy. Open! (courtesy of the site)In every RED STATE IN THIS NATION, CHECK THE NURSING HOME DEATHS. Do you know the numbers? Did they reveal them? NO! Yet, Republicans smeared Cuomo with nursing home deaths in New York. And with the help of Trumpers, the white supremacists and the Russian Military Intel soc puppets, the distortions continued. Did Red States want to safeguard nursing home patients? OF COURSE NOT. If they did, immediately, they would have put in place strict mask mandates, and ban superspreader events and close down their states entirely. They didn't. That would violate Trump's OPEN, OPEN policy; and Scott Atlas' herd immunity-breathe the air policy. They did what Trump wanted; they lied, the elderly in and out of nursing homes died and they covered it up. THEY COVERED UP THEIR NURSING HOME DEATHS. THEY LIED. The GOP and RNC lied by ignoring Trump's policy and piling on the lies about Democrats who were dangerous. QAnon/Russian Military Intelligence fomented the lies.
All in the country watched this on Fox and elsewhere as they minimized COVID as an exaggeration and floated the hoax rumors. People died in hospitals of COVID, believing it was something else. Trump encouraged Red States' herd immunity, no mask wearing and superspreader events. With wide ranging community spread always comes deaths of the elderly first. The lower the infection rate, the lower the deaths in nursing homes and elderly anywhere. DUH! Unless you are brain dead, to blame nursing home deaths on Cuomo who tried to lower the spread is an indication of massive stupidity or a political smear campaign. WHERE TRUMP AND THE GOP ARE CONCERNED, IT IS OBVIOUSLY A POLITICAL SMEAR CAMPAIGN. The simple reason why is to despoil Democrats.
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Governor Andrew Cuomo who helped mitigate the mammoth COVID numbers caused by Trump botch job through factual briefings to inspire New Yorkers to save themselves (courtesy of the site) |
Today, March 27, 2021, Democrats, spurred on by Trumpers in New York, to "get Cuomo" and continue this mischaracterization and patent political smear are unconscionable. Trumpers lost. They are Satanic liars and they advocate hurting and killing their opponents (AR 15s can't be regulated in their minds). They are insurrectionists who advocate the overthrow of democracy BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. They are racists, homophobes, anti-progressives, anti-LGBTQ, MISOGYNISTS and anti #metoo. They are against economic prosperity for the lower middle class, middle class and upper middle class intending to keep them deprived and enslaved because they have to win elections by letting such folks work three jobs and be disenfranchised and depressed about the government not caring. COVID was just another way for Republicans, Trump and the RNC PR machine to get back at all but the very rich. But it backfired for numerous reasons. (see the articles on this blog) Thus, that Democrats of New York would even breathe the same air as these wicked and evil, who work against them day and night, makes no sense unless they've worked out a quid pro quo with the RNC and Republicans.
All roads lead to Russia? You Betcha, especially the 2016 election that Putin meddled in. See United States vs. Reality Winner. (courtesy of the site) |
When Trumpers' cries and Trump's and Barr's screams about New York nursing homes didn't work because Cuomo showed that RED STATES were much worse, and New York was 34th in nursing home deaths, they lied and fronted via all the RED MEDIA. And they ignored COVID while pointing the finger at Biden, Hunter Biden and Cuomo. With TRUMP holding a Hatch Act violating, White House party of 1000, a superspreader event for Amy Coney Barrett's appointment as a Supreme Court Judge (she would make sure Trump would win the election was why she was appointed) it was obvious. The superspreader event, at which few wore masks, turned into a blatant, in-your-face, who cares if old people die, message. Trump got COVID; they lied about its severity. He needed to be on a respirator, and begged and pleaded not to be put on one. He wasn't. $2 million dollars later, at a charge to taxpayers, he emerged breathing heavily and ripped off his mask on the balcony of the WH. He was sick as a dog, but fronted. He had to win the election and appear like Superman, like Rambo, like god, like Thor, like Poseidon, like Hercules, the "chosen" one.
Attention was off Cuomo for a while. But Trump lost the 2020 election as people partied in all the cities in the US and around the world, A BLASPHEMY and terrible blow to Republicans because they lost the executive, the House and the Senate in a trifecta explosion of the ages with the worst president of the ages during one of the worst pandemics of the ages. No matter, Trump conned and fronted with the help of Robert Mercer, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Micheal Flynn (all criminals-except Mercer a tax cheat has the cash to stay out of prison whereas you and I don't) the Proud Boys, Clarence Thomas' wife and Clarence Thomas by proxy, legislators in RED and BLUE states, Oath Keepers, KKK, white supremacist vets and military and Republicans in the House and Senate who conspired with them and the QAnon Parler PR machine. Trump and these criminal traitors threw a huge insurrection party, killed a few folks, injured and left maimed, 150 among them Capital police, left a huge bill at the feet of the taxpayers to clean up the horrific damage, and pay for the thousands and thousands of National Guard to keep the Democrats safe for Biden's inauguration.
The Republicans, RNC PR machine, GOP politicians, QAnon...lost; Trump lost every court case pertaining to the election. QAnon fueled by Russian Military Intel blasted that Trump won and the election was stolen. You would think that with all of the evil and wicked machinations of twisting the DOJ to make it dance, bullying Barr, bullying the RNC and RED MEDIA to help him overthrow the government on January 6th, the millions and millions in fund raising, the thwarting and cutting off the USPS, the lies, the smears about dangerous Democrats Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and his inciting death at the capital building that all the Democrats watching would reject associating with any of these traitors? Well, you would think that. And you would think that Trump with all his exertions would have won.
The American people hate Trump and the Republicans. The GOP can't win ever. They have proven they war against democracy with Putin. They pay many of their white supremacists to foment hate crimes. They resist good leadership like Cuomo's and Biden's because they don't lead. The Republicans are the laziest bunch of miscreants who sit on their power and resist Democrats; that is how they lead. And anyone who does lead and does get things done for the country? They must be destroyed, smeared, slimed, despoiled, shredded, wiped out, killed.
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Representative Mo Brooks leads Republicans to vitiate the election by not accepting electoral ballots. |
Republicans to a man and woman are some of the most brutal, masochist and self-destroying because the truth is known to the American people. Biden's wisdom continues; the FBI is arresting Trumpers and insurrectionist goons who Trump didn't pardon. Those who backed the insurrection and delayed the vote in the senate until late night, hoping and praying the insurrectionists would return, finally accepted the electoral ballots. VP Pence after his life was threatened appears to have forgiven and forgotten all because he wants his place at the RNC PIG TROUGH. And Brian Sicknick's death, one of the most infamous in our history, still goes unpunished as Republicans lie about and cover up what happened. To listen to them, the insurrection never happen. To listen to Trump, he won and is still in the White House running the country. Oh and the non mask wearing continues at Mar-a-lago where COVID IS RAMPAGING as Trump folks pay thousands and thousands to get sick and die.
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Taken from a brilliant article on Daily Kos about GOP Ratf**king (courtesy of this site) |
Now Biden has taken center stage. The RNC ranges for revenge and looks for conspirators. The NY District Attorneys and Attorney General and CUOMO have taken center stage. The nursing homes didn't work all that well because of the fallacy that herd immunity doesn't kill seniors. It does as does high infection rates not mitigated and covered-up in Red States. Thus, something else had to be used to slime Cuomo. Call in the big guns. Bannon, Stone, QAnon/Putin, the RNC's PR machine must step up the, GOP "ratfucking" to eliminate CUOMO for a presidential run or continued help for Democrats. Ratfucking is an American slang term for political sabotage or dirty tricks, particularly pertaining to elections. Trump and the RNC PR campaign had to come up with a smear that couldn't be answered; throw Cuomo off his feet and possibly put in a Republican governor and turn the legislature RED.
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The sickness of QAnon/Russian Military Intel |
Divide and conquer. Divide and conquer. Set the Democrats to backbiting and cannibalizing each other for the appearance of righteousness. Go for the weakest and most hypocritically moral. Ratfuck the women; molest the #metoo by having them whore each other. USE SEX to turn men against women; turncoat Democrats for that purpose with whatever they need: money, power, advertising. Who so "highminded who cannot be seduced" et tu Brute, Kirsten Gillibrand, AOC, Chuck Schumer? Lindsey Boylan was easy and available and so were others. RATFUCKING! POLITICAL WHOREDOMS.
Ratfucking is the smear to beat all smears. Kerry was victimized by ratfucking by the GOP with "SWIFTBOATING." Hillary was ratfucked by Mercer, Bannon and Schweizer in Clinton Cash picked up by the Russians who stole the election for Trump. "Lock her up" was the cry of Roger Stone (convicted felon Trump pardoned) Michael Flynn (convicted felon pardoned, whose brother in the DOD told the Capital Police to "stand down" when they were screaming for help because the optics were bad.) Obviously, the two bros conspired together to bring Trump the 2020 election like they brought him the 2016 election. FAIL MUCH? Don't believe Putin stole the 2016 election for Trump by meddling rapaciously? See the documentary film United States vs. Reality Winner. She is still in jail for telling the truth, by the way.
Daily Kos article on Ratf**king goes into the GOP DIRTY TRICKS AGAINST DEMOCRATS BETWEEN 2016 THROUGH TO 2020. THE SAME APPLIES TO CUOMO. (see the site)RATFUCKING!
The more the "accused" attempts to answer the ratfuck accusation, the more the accusers step forward and pile on. Thus, ratfuckers came up with the #metoo smears against Cuomo, one of the most progressive to hire and champion women. How do they ratfuck? Make anything and everything Cuomo did appear untoward. Women came forward who championed the ratfucking cause of the RNC, GOP and Trump, just like they did with AL FRANKEN. Take a cultural kindness (Italian warmth) and smear it as filthy. Make Cuomo look like a dirty old man against a young, scared, innocent and frightened chippy. Turn the "Love Gov" touted for his salvation of New York with New Yorkers, into the PERVE GOV.
HUGE PROBLEM: Cuomo is still popular. Check out his pages every time he speaks on video via Twitter or Facebook or Instagram. Hearts and statements like "stay the course," and "don't resign" appear by the hundreds.
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Lest we forget about some allegations that DWARF Cuomo's, that Trump himself verified out of his own "pussy grabbing" mouth. The poor guy he revealed it to has had his career wrecked. (courtesy of the Daily Kos site) |
Did Trump's speeches receive global support like Cuomo's did DURING COVID? THEY WERE LIES. THEY INCITED MAGADEATH. HE was told to stop holding COVID briefings because he just puffed up his own doing nothing with lies and told folks to drink bleach and Lysol. When he talked he said nonsense and had to have a dementia test. Finally after he lost, he incited violence and called together his insurrectionists who worked to kill Pence and destroy the Capital. Thus, He had to be removed from Twitter and all Social Media channels for inciting insurrection against our democratic government. Parler has returned so he can be active on it; oh, it is funded by Russian Military Intel. It needs to be bankrupted by the American Government as a danger to our national security. Thus, the pussy grabber non pareil, the rapist, the 25X credible accusations from accusers who pressed charges is now being sued in perhaps 20 lawsuits, state and federal and civil. Compared to the Cuomo allegations by RNC/GOP put up jobs, Trump's predation, the rape of minors at the time, and the full blown friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, a blackmailing madame who trafficked in teenage girls for all aged wealthy males stinks to the heavens.
His continuous women scandals and lawsuits have been ignored by the RNC. It is the truth obviously if Hannity and the GOP all pretend Trump is the pure, innocent, "the chosen one." By comparison, Cuomo's actions are those of a boyscout. The rhetoric by the ratfucking women whoring #metoo for political purposes demeans the #metoo movement and casts Democrats and Republicans together as brothers in ratfucking CUOMO. Why?
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Al Franken was Ratf**ked by Democrats and Republicans. Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand couldn't resist devouring Franken, the pawn of laughing GOP (courtesy of Daily Kos) |
If Democrats believe this to be the expedient moment to pile on and accuse Cuomo, they intend to use the same MO as Republians and ratfuck their way to the top of the political mountain. (Rep. Ron Kim) Some have painted Cuomo as a bully without giving the context of the situation. They have cast him as a predator with unproven accusations HIDING BEHIND THE SKIRTS OF #METOO which they prostitute for politics. They have demanded that he not defend himself and resign: in other words, they want to accomplish a new low, a RATFUCKING COUP; a FRANKEN CUOMO COUP. The Democrats urged by the Republicans with whom they conspire and combine with, plan an insurrection of their own. Cleverly, they would have CUOMO FRANK PANTANGELI himself. Except as typical of Democrats who devoured Al Franken via Kirsten Gillibrand, unlike the Italian mafia did with Frank Pantangeli, they won't be "taking care" of Cuomo's family. The RNC PR campaign were infuriated about the Cuomo brothers joking with each other on CNN to inspire Americans to have hope during the Trump exacerbated nightmare of COVID, The Cuomos helped the nation. Pissed, TRUMP FOMENTED AND RAGED, as did the RNC/GOP/QANON.
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Best buddies Jeffrey Trafficker Epstein and a younger Donald Trump. (courtesy of the site) |
The truth is that New Yorkers don't want Andrew Cuomo to resign. If you want to know why? Read his book. Learn what a leader is and does. Learn what humility is all about. Oh, excuse me. You in the press lie, defame, slime, deface and RATFUCK Cuomo's humility. You, including the New York Times, I CALL YOU OUT! May I remind you that TRUMP never apologized, not even for his sharpie showing the wrong path of a hurricane. He never laughed at himself whereas Cuomo did and always does. And Cuomo always apologizes; he did publicly. He does privately. Trump never does, not publicly nor privately and you never called out Trump??? Why NOT? You ignore Trump's egregious, bullying arrogance; you encouraged his MAGADEATH destructions repeatedly, and conspired with him. That makes you, press, accountable with him for killing THE COVID TRAGIC OF THE US. You sang his praises and worshiped at his alter of pompous assdumb.
How stupid do you think New Yorkers are? We know the difference between real Trump predation, Trump MAGADEATH and RNC, GOP LIES AND SLANDERS and your mewling testimonials by women whoring #metoo for their own political expediency or quid pro quos. And those who accuse Cuomo of arrogance: date, time, where, when...context, please. We know what RATFUCKING IS. And we know above all it is calumny and misrepresentation and lies and puffery and gaslighting and smear ignominy, slander and in print-libel. And we know Trump is going to jail. That's not RATFUCKING. That is the truth.
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RNC, GOP knew who to pick and who to use to RATF**K Franken. Now Frankening is a term for Democrats cannabilizing Cuomo and whoring the #metoo movement for politics. Gillibrand can't resist devouring Cuomo after Frankening Franken (Daily Kos) |
Because Cuomo refuses to do a Frank Pantangeli, the Democrats' political MO is foiled. And the money in their coffers is decreasing as they clamor for the "the investigation." Investigations are interesting: remember the three-year Hillary Clinton smear investigation the RNC used to ratfuck her with Benghazi? Turned up Zero. Remember the Mueller Report? With 13 Russian indictments and heavy information about Russian meddling in the 2016 election that Mueller suggested be used to impeach Trump and certainly indict him? Barr covered it up, lied, said Trump was vindicated. A lie. See the film United States vs. Reality Winner. Reality Winner sacrificed her life for the truth going to jail for leaking a document of proof that Russia meddled with the 2016 election.
It meddled; the NSA Republicans covered up that the election was thrown to Trump as a result, because to admit otherwise would have thrown the country in an uproar; how nice of the Republican NSA. They always consider the American people's democracy. Standing for the truth is something Cuomo also did telling the truth about COVID and Trump and Mitch McConnell and the RNC and the sniveling NYC police, some of which hate being restricted from police brutality. And if you want to know about nursing home deaths, call up the nursing homes in RED STATES. Oh, they won't give you the numbers; I forgot.
Why is Cuomo a danger to Trump? Obvious. He doesn't want a prison stay in New York and hopes at the worst he can get in a RED GOVERNOR who will pardon him for his state crimes. Why is Cuomo a danger to the RNC and GOP white supremacists? He supports blacks against police brutality. Cuomo supports women; it's why #metoo is a good ratfucking ploy. And he supports LGBTQ. He is an effective communicator people listen to. He supports a woman's right to choose. He supports equity. He began the $15.00 minimum wage in New York. He supports police reform and nursing home reform. He called the investigation into whether the nursing homes took COVID elderly though they couldn't keep them safe...and he got RNC ratfu*ked for it. He supports gun restrictions. He supports the constitution and voting rights for all citizens. He probably would not only keep the nation safe from any pandemic, he would go after Putin more directly than Biden.
In other words, he has shown he can lead and he knows what to do to side-step the governance by committee that kills reforms in New York state that legislators dilly-dally on until they are dead, dead, D.E.D. He knows how to lead if he is allowed. The pandemic offered him that opportunity until his Executive Powers were removed. I just looked at the INFECTION RATES TODAY FOR THE STATE ON WORLDOMETER. 8,500 new cases. Thank the New York legislature. Thank the ratfu*king #metoo political whores who are using political expediency or quid pro quos from the RNC to disempower Cuomo. Thank the RNC who don't mask in RED STATES and encourage crowding and no vaccines. Thank the NYS Trumpers screaming OPEN, OPEN, OPEN. OK. Open and if the infection rates continue to go up???? What then? TRUMPERS ARE NATIONAL SECURITY RISKS. THEY NEED TO BE JAILED AS INSURRECTIONISTS AND KILLERS. They just know how to hate. And they hate what is progressive, good leadership reform for New Yorkers and for Americans.
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Russia's Ratf**king operation against democracy succeeded in 2016. Putin failed in 2020 because of the paper ballots in the vast mail in balloting to stay safe from COVID. CUOMO OPENED THE POLLS EARLY IN NY. I sent my absentee ballot in Sept. 28 2020 (Daily Kos) |
One thing I know is this: if Cuomo didn't have the power of the executive and we had to rely on the legislature to act, there would be many more thousands of seniors dead inside and outside of nursing homes.
Now that he no longer has the Executive Power, we are in trouble with variants that are unleashed with "herd immunity" that allows mutations to occur by not stopping the infection rates to rise. With JFK and Newark nearby, passengers spread it and fly across the country. Vaccines can prevent this.
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The beautiful E. Jean Carroll with Trump and Yvanna and Ron Johnson. She is suing Trump for defamation; she has described his raping her in a dressing room (courtesy of the site) |
Cuomo's leadership, knowing who is highly competent and brilliant, would make it so problematic for Republicans if he were president, the party would never recover. Biden is doing a good job. Cuomo would destroy the Republican party by excoriating them for not leading, for lying and for killing Americans. He would work to make domestic terrorism a federal crime. He would make police reform a national issue and gun reform; in effect what he has done in New York he would do on a national scale if he were president. THAT'S WHY CUOMO MUST BE RATFUCKED. And by God, if the Democrats can do it like they did with FRANKEN. Yes!!
The RNC and GOP are working very hard to regain ground. They have over 250 voter suppression proposals in legislatures across the nation. They need to get the Blue Governors destroyed and out. They are trying to recall and ratfuck the California governor Gavin Newsom. They went after the Virginia Governor showing photos of him in BLACKFACE. If you are blue, then the RNC'S MOTTO IS RATFUCKING FOR YOU.
RATFUCKING CUOMO, THEY USE THE POWER GRAB BY DEMOCRATS, USE DE BLASIO'S NEED FOR VENGEANCE AGAINST CUOMO OR BID TO RUN FOR GOVERNOR (what a mistake), USE THE DEBASEMENT OF #METOO BY WOMEN WHO WHORE THE MOVEMENT (the innocent, demure accusers) USE THE "RIGHTEOUS" #AOC, AND #GILLIBRAND, THE FRANKEN QUEEN AS THE SLIMERS AND MUD THROWERS. The GOP and RNC PR MACHINE are pretty happy with themselves. They believe they are on the road to success getting the Democrats to back their CUOMO COUP. This they plan to follow with an eventual take over of New York by Republicans and an eventual pardon for Trump.
Trump is a loser, however. If there is one thing his life proves is he is a loser. And a liar. And he has played this RATFUCKING HAND before. It is obvious. And because Trump/Stone/RATFUCKER RNC PR SMEAR CAMPAIGNERS are behind it, and we see it, it is a FAIL. Trump never wins. He foments and loses. He spends other people's money. Addleson's, Putin's AND OTHERS who have stood by him. He traitored them and used them for quid pro quos. He is bankrupt and broke and daily, he screws himself not knowing his own body parts.
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Ratf**king only works if no one recognizes it. So far #RepAOC and #SenGillibrand don't see Ratf**king Cuomo as a problem, nor do they see the whoring of the #metoo movement a problem either. They've RATF**KED themselves via GOP sabotage (courtesy of Daily Kos) |
What Trump did to Herman Cain who believed him, he is doing to all who come near him. He will Cain them and is Caining them. When one accepts a lie for so long, one can't see the CON. Trump believes his own CON, but he is played out. He is like Mitch McConnell threatening the Democrats with their own weakness though they have all the power. All the Democrats need to do is stick together. They need to EXPOSE the ratfucking from Republicans and their PR machine and stop cannibalizing Democrats. They need to be united against the assaults on all sides from Republicans. BE UNITED WITH DEMOCRATS. BE SUPPORTIVE WITH DEMOCRATS!!!! They need to, as Cuomo says, "Stay the course." They need to stick together, because if they don't, 10,000 Republicans will silence the voice of 150,000,000 adult American taxpayers who support what President Biden is doing for them.
New Yorkers have spoken! "Lay off Cuomo." Stop the ratfucking. Stop destroying the Democratic Party. Expose the liars for what they are and for their whoredoms. MAGADEATH is NOT an option. All NY Democrats have to do is listen to their constituents. If they don't other Democrats will run in their stead or worse, there will be such divisions amongst those in the party, a minority party of Republicans will get in. And Trump will be pardoned. That's a 1 to 1 shot, for sure.
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