The preamble to the constitution: we the people, not us the 6 SC justices and Federalist Society/Republican billionaires/Putin communists who despise democracy
For the second time in history, the Supreme Court has embraced extremist radicalism. The first terrible and egregious radical decision that stands as the worst in history is in the
Dred Scott Decision of 1857. That decision's final opinion was effected by Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney. It was so inflammatory in vitiating constitutional decisions (blacks can never be U.S. citizens) and acts (it nullified settled law in the Missouri Compromise), the decision provoked the Civil War.
I would suggest that the Supreme Court is about to top its own Taney court decision in its ill-advised, egregiously political intent to strike down Roe v. Wade, as cited by Justice Samuel Alito's Initial Majority Draft. To further add fuel to the constitutional inferno, Mitch McConnell (I will not address the anti-constitutionalist and Putin communist apologist by his appropriate title since he continues to violate his oath of office with untoward and treasonous behavior), has suggested that if Roe is overturned, abortion can and will be banned in all 50 United States.
Roe is settled law. In their appointment hearings, Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett affirmed their positions on stare decisis (the legal principle of determining points in litigation according to precedent). They agreed as proper judicial law on the Supreme Court that they they must adhere to stare decisis doctrine. Indeed, Amy Coney Barrett, supported by the Federalist Society is the exception pumped up by Mitch McConnell, Trump and the QAnon Party. Her radical extremist position on women not having their right to privacy is based in part on her religious sect's interpretation of truncated Biblical scripture (i.e. Ephesians 5, Exodus 21: 22-23) and dismissing God's first two commandments which contain all the others. In their senate hearings the 8 other justices of the court affirmed the doctrine of stare decisis. They would have not gotten on the court if they had said they didn't. Barrett wobbled, Barrett LIED. With a lie of omission she did not honestly admit that she is AGAINST WOMEN'S PRIVACY WHEN IT COMES TO THEIR BODIES. SHE DID NOT ADMIT THAT HER RELIGIOUS BELIEFS DEMAND THAT SHE VOTE TO STRIKE DOWN ROE V. WADE. SHE WAS NOT HONEST BEFORE GOD AND THE COUNTRY. SHE WAS OBEYING HER HANDLERS TO GET ON THE COURT BY WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY.
SHE WAS SILENT ABOUT HER RELIGIOUS BELIEFS WHICH OPPOSE ROE AND STARE DECISIS. IN A COURT SILENCE IS ACCEPTANCE. But this Supreme Court has no ethics, does not believe in judicial ethics. Six members of this court believe in obeying destroyers of democracy and are paid for it, most likely.
Amy Coney Barrett was light-speeded into her seat by Mitch McConnell following his handlers' mandate to put a QAnon conservative on the Supreme Court. His handlers include individual donors, Federalist society, extremist right wing who pay him to do their bidding, foreign money like communist Putin who is looking to destroy our democracy's strength and the people's voice. The Barrett appointment with the Republican senate's perfunctory stamp "yes," was against the rules of the Senate, and a lie- dismissal of President Obama's wish to put Merrick Garland on the court 10 months before Obama's term was up. Mitch McConnell, a covert member of the KKK, never accepted black President Barak Obama, nor did his extremist fellow klansmen and white supremacists. So McConnell's dismissal of Obama's adjurations (especially with regard to Citizens United and Merrick Garland) justified by contradictory lies was made even more wicked by rushing Barrett through as RBG's body was prepared for burial.
Brett Kavanaugh lied to congress. Trump prevented the FBI investigating him.
If the conservative justices overturn Roe, they are liars. They are not arbiters of legal cases that determine what can and cannot stand via settled law. They don't follow their mandate to equalize and make uniform jurisprudence throughout the land. That is the mission of the Supreme Court, to decide cases based on precedent or settled law. Stare decisis is the doctrine that obligates courts to look to precedent when making their decisions. QAnon radical extremist conservatives Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett clearly lied/obfuscated as do Justice Alito, Thomas and Roberts when they said and say they look to settled law to make their decisions. Their political stance clearly overrides their mission and oath they took to be a Supreme Court justice, if they vote to overturn settled law and reject previous precedent. If I sound redundant, I repeat to make this point.
The Supreme Court justices in voting to overturn Roe or even presenting a Draft about overturning it, lie on their oaths. As liars they then overthrow their mission of upholding settled law following the doctrine of stare decisis. They are insurrectionists. Their pens are worse than the implements (American flags, etc.) the rioters used to gouge out the eyes of Capitol police, cause heart attacks and cause Brian Sicknick's death, all in the name of Trump to overthrow the constitutional election and peaceful transfer of power-settled law.
Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett lied to the Senate in their hearings when they said they followed stare decisis. If they don't follow stare decisis in regard to Roe, they should have admitted that they do not. They did not. They were dishonest. They made lies of omission; their dishonesty and unethical immorality and corruption is unacceptable. They should be impeached. If the senate had the determined will and courage of the Ukrainian people, the senate would censure and or impeach these justices and Justice Thomas for his unity with his wife in supporting Donald Trump's insurrection against the constitution and the government of the US.
The Capitol police heroes sustained the insurrection by QAnon Jinny Thomas Republican with her husband's blessing and the mob's violence that chanted "Hang Mike Pence," as engineered by Putin-communist-apologist Trump. (What did Trump/Putin discuss in Helinski?) |
The question remains then; if the senate allows these justice to corruptly obviate their mission by breaching their honor bound duty to uphold constitutional law, then the Senate breaches its mission by not censuring or impeaching the corrupt justices. Indeed, the corrupt QAnon Republican Party is off its oath and mandate. Why are the QAnon extremist radical Republicans in the House, Senate and Judiciary not expelled for their violations of the 14th amendment and their not upholding their oaths to the constitution?
These members are compromised by money, some of it Dark Money. The FBI needs to expel the Trumpers first, then investigate all Republican members' on the take; this can be traced back to their global corporate donors, foreign adversary donors and Communist Valdimir Putin who has shown his Stalinist genocidal will by attempting to destroy democracy in Ukraine, opposing NATO countries and pressuring compromat Trump (whom he fraudulently helped to elect president in 2016 and failed to elect in 2020) to leave NATO. The QAnon Republicans who support Putin's communist terrorism in Ukraine were and still are in lockstep with Trump.
Trump's alignment with Putin when Trump was president was obvious; to overthrow/weaken democracy and have one man rule under Putin (which occurred before during and after Helinski until Trump lost 2020). Otherwise, why would Trump botch COVID as horrifically as he did paving the way for over 1,025,000 Americans to die, as the WHO who Trump hated, suggested many more millions died uncounted from COVID and its shocks to the human body. Trump effected his own Putin-type genocide by politicizing COVID and making it A "THING" to deny, pretend didn't exist, a weapon against Democrats, a joke, anything but what it was a severe health crisis that he botched so horrifically then blamed on CUOMO, who was incredible in leading the country for a time until both Democrats and Republicans conspired to smear him.
But how does Trump botch a health crisis? Read my other articles. He and his QAnon twists like Marjorie Taylor Green, Matt Gaetz, Ron DeSantis, Gym Jordan, etc., should be tried before the Hague as negligents guilty of criminal heart murder in their COVID policies against the American people (Putin surely didn't object Americans were dying.)
Trump praised Putin's genocidal Stalinist communist war against Ukraine. MAGAS ARE COMMUNISTS EMBRACING PUTIN
Segue: if Putin is opposed to democracy in Ukraine and oppresses the Russian free press and all the inalienable rights afforded to consolidate power and make Russians his dupes and slaves, it is clear that as the QAnon party accepts Putin, they are his compromats. QAnon extremist Republicans have gone to Russia to bring back money and deals (Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, Gym Jordan, etc). This is especially true of Donald Trump who heavily relied on Putin for decades for loans and for wins in 2016 and 2020 (though in 2020, regardless of how loudly the Putin compromat screams today, Trump failed miserably and will continue to fail because he is a loser, the worst loser in history and 7 times a bankrupt).Everything I state in the next paragraph about the justices, equally applies to the compromat members of the senate and house who willingly make a mockery of our constitution, our democracy and the voting franchise of the American people which they furiously attempt to control and will lose because they have left their secretive policies of control since social media came to the fore. Now, the QAnon party are seen for the miserable, communist, terrorist, white supremacist Putinistas they are. Servants of themselves
Volodomyr Zelensky's standing up to Putin's War and genocide is beyond heroic. He demonstrates the will of the Ukrainian to be their own government rejecting Putin's oppressions and slavery, Putin's denial of their very existence to be free, self-governing people.
The Putin extremist SC justices and QAnon House and Senate Republicans are not the employees of the people of the United States. They are servants of themselves: corrupt, grifting, opportunistic, negligent, delinquent in their duties, in short criminals. (Like Putin below in better days relaxing with his Stalinist plans of invading Ukraine and genociding Ukrainians.)

Like most in the QAnon extreme radical Putin communist apologist Republican Party of oppression and nullification of civil rights, these justices don't care that 70% of Americans support settled law, Roe v. Wade and the right to privacy that Roe guarantees. I would suggest that these lying justices are partners in a corrupt hidden private enterprise which pays them much more handsomely than what they receive on their government salaries. Disloyal to the American people, loyal to their paymasters, they take bribes in whatever form they come in secret accounts or payoffs of credit card bills, presents, whatever. They have already proven that as liars they are corruptible. They DEFECATE on the high position to which they have been assigned. Most people I know are more worthy of being on the court than they. Their law degrees and experience are wasted; they do not satisfy their oath to the constitution and mission on the high court.
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Amy C. Barrett as a justice, like fellow brother justices lied on her oath.
Clearly, they have obeyed their paymasters and are loyal to these private conservative donors who are planning on a political coup to overthrow the constitution, with the "legal" patina of Supreme Court gavel pounding. The justices have been paid; they have a fiduciary responsibility to uphold their donors' wishes. They don't even care to "make it look like" they uphold the constitution, stare decisis or the majority of Americans who have given them a mandate to uphold the popular Roe v Wade. Indeed, these corrupt justices have followed the spirit of Justice Benjamin Cardozo's decision in Meinhard v. Salmon in their fiduciary loyalty to their paymasters, Federalist Society, corporate conservative donors and private foreign donors.
"Not honesty alone, but the punctilio of an honor the most sensitive, is
then the standard of behavior… the level of conduct for fiduciaries
[has] been kept at a level higher than that trodden by the crowd."
As fiduciaries of their private paymasters' wishes, Alito, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Thomas, Barrett and even Roberts (he is more clever at hiding his soiled heart) have demonstrated the punctilio of an honor. As the servants of the people's court, following their oaths to the constitution and their mission on the court, they don't exist. They are not supreme court justices. They are not even judicial hacks. They are illegals, aliens, not American citizens. Acting as criminals who have been paid off in quid pro quos to lie their way onto the court (a potential crime), they should in the very least be censured or impeached. They should have the very punctilio of honor to be loyal to their constitutional mandate, the doctrine of stare decisis and their mission on the highest court in the land as SC justices, who affirm the sanctity of settled law. If they knew what honor was, they would resign and serving as their own judge and jury, demand their own censure by the senate or demand investigation by a special prosecutor to look into quid pro quos they engaged in. At the very least, they should come forward and be whistleblowers to cleanse the court.
WHISTLEBLOWERS. WHO ARE THEIR PAYMASTERS? WHO ARE THE DONORS AND WHERE WAS THE MONEY FUNNELED FROM? ARE WE SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE JUST DOING THIS FOR THEIR MEAGER SC SALARIES? If they can't BE HONEST, and they can't because it would enrage their paymasters, CENSURE/IMPEACHMENT must be done for them. They know what they are. They know what they do. If they are so stupid as to not know, then they don't belong on the SC anyway. But these justices are demonic. And demons are cowards and demons are sneaky and love the darkness. These dark ones are overwhelmed by the light. Barrett is overcome by CHRIST'S LIGHT. She cannot claim her Christianity with impunity and unconsciously appear pure if she lies whether of omission or commission.
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Amy C. Barrett swearing to uphold the constitution and accepting her mission on the Supreme Court. Look who she is with. All there except perhaps the official but certainly Trump and Clarence Thomas are not servants of the people. Trump is worthy of prison. Barrett and Thomas should be impeached for conflict of interest and lying on their oaths especially if they vote for overturning Roe, vitiating stare decisis.
With impunity, they serve their paymasters. How do I know this? Take the Federalist Society that they joined and the donors that support it. The Federalist Society is not concerned about stare decisis or the law. It is political with a deep political agenda...to remove the powers given to the people; to adulterate the constitution so that it has been nullified, to make the Unites States a government of despots, by despots, for despots (the despot being their puppet they put in power).
And if the Democratic Party does not take action, you can only conclude that they conspire in the House and Senate to do the same. Their kindness and decency is a blind when it is weakness and an inability to stand for what is right. When allegedly "good" people do nothing, evil flourishes and those who watch and see don't learn what is just, right, true. Democrats are more guilty than QAnon Republicans if they refuse to act as the QAnon party would act, for example allowing Moscow Mitch McConnell to lie to the American people acting the despot by not allowing President Obama under the constitution to put in his own Supreme Court Justice. Obama was weak in giving McConnell what he wanted. Hillary would never have done that. But Hillary is not the president. We know why not.
Cuomo is a Democrat; a dangerous one to Mitch McConnell and Trump. He had to be ousted. Democrats helped oust him. This is a great loss for the party and for the bully pulpit which Cuomo mastered against Trump to Trump's abject fury.
The law is not supposed to be political; it is supposed to be "objective, logical, rational." But because human beings are corrupt, greedy, selfish, and self-betrayers who are power animals, the law can be twisted to every form of infamy based on the "integrity" of the justices delivering the law. Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, insurrection loving sex abuser Thomas, Barrett and witch burner Alito have no integrity; they are guided by no ethics.Their actions speak and judge them. Their words are lies; their proclamations to the people, the press and the congress are meaningless. Alito's Draft is evidence and a prima facie case of lying. Ipso facto Alito's Draft in the proposed overturning of stare decisis, settled law, precedent and the constitution is political betrayal against 70% of Americans who support a women's right to govern her own decisions related to her body.
I repeat, given their past performance and background, it is obvious donors have paid them to betray the constitution and the American public. Prove It? If it happens, ipso facto no justice of the high court would abolish the constitution, precedent, stare decisis, etc., unless they were paid to do so. Prima facie it appears to be so because doing it means it is so, proof in the doing of the action. Ipso facto, then it is so; they've been paid to do it because they wouldn't reverse 49 years and 5 months of precedent as justices of the high court. That is unprecedented in American jurisprudence.
Prescient protestor in the NYC Women's March against Trump, supporting Roe, (2017). Alito in his Draft Decision cited a British Lord from the 17th hundreds who burned witches and cited abortion as a crime. Alito can't even come up with a legitimate argument to coup the constitution and stare decisis. (Carole Di Tosti)
Roe v. Wade, establishing a woman's right to privacy of choice regarding decisions of her own body has been settled law for 49 years and 5 months (decided January 1973). Overturning it is a vitiation of the Supreme Court's mission, the justices' oaths, the function of the court. It is tantamount to overturning the constitution itself for Roe validates the right to privacy and that right is supported by the Bill of Rights, cases decided, precedent, stare decisis and the 14th amendment. Click here for validation.Overturning Roe is more than just saying the states ban abortions, it is overturning stare decisis and all settled law. For that, the justification must be genius. It must be blindly solid and rational. It must rest on principles of law in our constitution. Alito's Draft is so poorly argued with convoluted logic and support from a British Lord who was a burner of witches in the 17th century, it is a wonder how Alito is even in jurisprudence. The draft brings to mind Justice Roger Brooke Taney's Dred Scott opinion. Alito and the justices who do not argue otherwise, who do not shred the arguments in the Draft opinion are 6 Taneys, birthed by the Southern planter Federalist Society of the old confederacy. They are the white supremacists and KKK and white nationalists who intend to subvert our democracy (all a part of the January 6th insurrection to overthrow the 2020 election of Joe Biden) by eliminating our democracy with the help of foreign money and Putin who is a communist Stalinist genocidist. They intend to regain the philosophical and mental territory lost during Reconstruction for a time, gained after Plessey v Ferguerson, and lost after the Civil Rights (1950s-1980s) movement brought a cultural change in our nation.
For understanding of the Dred Scott decision, see the Britannica website For the website, click on the link.
Jefferson Davis of the Southern Planter class, a traitor who ran like a coward when the South lost the Civil War. Taney was his friend. He set in motion the overthrow of the Union in the Southern secession. He lost and the Taney family issued an apology humiliated by what their ancestor did. |
Justice Roger Brooke Taney’s
opinion for the court was arguably the worst he ever wrote. He ignored
precedent, distorted history, imposed a rigid rather than a flexible
construction on the
Constitution, ignored specific grants of power in the Constitution, and tortured meanings out of other, more-obscure clauses. Such was the case in the Taney Court of 1857 as declared that slaves would never ever ever be US Citizens in the Dred Scott decision which also wiped out the Missouri Compromise and made slavery legal in the entire United States. This gave rise to Southern red neck slave catchers going into the North kidnapping freemen and bringing them South to sell at auction to the highest bidder. (see the film or read the book about Solomon Northrup called
12 Years a Slave)
It has been cited in particular as the most egregious example in the court’s history of wrongly imposing a judicial solution on a political problem. A later chief justice, Charles Evanand ts Hughes, famously characterized the decision as the court’s great “self-inflicted wound.”
Indeed, if Alito and the others overturn almost 5 decades of settled law, they are forever the second Taney court of infamy in this coup by the QAnon communist uber right wing Republican party that would overthrow the constitution and our democracy via craven bowing to quid pro quos by Federalist Society donors and foreign adversaries of democracy, who wish to see the United States destroyed. If this act of vitiating stare decisis is allowed, what other laws can be vitiated? Is stare decisis itself called into question; precedent is the foundation of democracy. Countries without a constitution of stare decisis are inevitably corrupt; the despots who usurp power make the laws as they choose. (Putin banned civil rights-press, assembly, speech, right to bear arms, etc., same with Xi in China/Hong Kong)
With stare decisis gone, what else can be reversed? The women's right to vote? Gay marriage? Other amendments? The Bill of Rights? Due Process? A ridiculous thought? I remind you Donald Trump's presidency was a ridiculous thought that happened because of Putin's money and power and influence bringing along craven traitors like Jill Stein, Paul Manafort, Mike Flynn, Steve Bannon, the compromat president's children and a whole host of lackeys who were afraid of their own shadow and faithlessly put money and their own agendas first, while they said F*&K you to the country and people they were supposed TO SERVE. But for these criminals, how many people would have been alive if the Democrats were in power? Hillary allow COVID TO OVERRUN THE COUNTRY NEGLIGENTLY LIKE TRUMP DID??? Ah, ha, ha ha, ha. Oh, excuse me...I forgot the smear against her; she like those in the Ukraine during Stalin's genocide of Holomodor, eats babies (look up Holodomor). Thanks, QAnon Putinista controlled Mike Flynn and your cowardly son compromat who spread that lie for a lot of Putin/oligarchic money. You, and your brother in the DOD are traitors; Obama was kind in not investigating you to be court marshaled as a traitor. Your brother supported the Jan 6th coup; good brothers stick together? He and you should be court marshaled.
These QAnon Republican CRIMINALS AND TRAITORS here work the coup conspiracy that they helped to set in motion for Putin's communist terrorist overthrow of our democracy in their conspiracy with Trump. The coup failed because Donald Trump is a failure and truly, everything he touches falls apart. He is not the horse to back in a race. He not only loses, he is so bankrupt, he can't get up from his fall. As much as he pretends to be flying, he lies about everything and puts on a show that is wholly fake, the word he loves to apply to others. Believe him? You are in peril of your money, your life. A National Security enemy and Putin dear friend, he works to overthrow our democracy with the help of QANON ORCS.
Nothing more.