Donald J. Trump, before his impeachment (courtesy of the media) |
His fraud is criminal now as president if you read the Mueller Report as a probable conspiracy to undermine the election process in the 2016 election and afterward. His behavior was criminal with the quid pro quo of withholding millions of dollars mandated for Ukraine's defense for dirt on Joe Biden, a popular candidate for the presidency, for which he was impeached. During these years, Trump has acted purely in his own interest. He has done everything in his power to avoid indictment and prosecution, obviating the constitution and making it subject to him alone, defying the law of the land and establishing the supreme power of the executive branch. He has bent the constitution to his will accordingly and made it is own law with the fawning help of DOJ William Barr. This is so except with regard to the Defense Production Act where, as a powerful executive, he should be deploying the massive scaling up of production of respirators, PPE supplies, quarantine hotels, Apps to monitor temperature and contact trace and more.
But he has yet to do this. Just today, a respirator company VOLUNTEERED TO MAKE RESPIRATORS, as per Trump's invitation. THEY HAVE YET TO HEAR FROM THE WH. Respirators save lives. Trump is not in the WH to save lives, his mandate and oath of office. He is there to benefit himself and his kids and grandkids, FOREVER. Well, too bad. Not on our watch.
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March in NYC 22nd January 2017 (Carole Di Tosti) |
Trump is up against an entity that will not bow to him, the novel PLAGUE which traveled and morphed from animal to human, for which we have no natural immunity. Now, all of his underlying psychological illnesses compounding his fraud, incompetence and negligence have been exposed. He cannot get out of his own way to stop the deaths that are happening and he refuses to take responsibility for his actions that have caused these deaths. These are global crimes against humanity caused by his egregious, willful negligence.
And of course, Fox News, Murdock, members of the GOP, the WH staff and others, i.e. the Federalist Society support him. They are responsible for the disinformation campaign about the severity of COVID 19 which they feared would derail his presidency so they mischaracterized it as a Democratic hoax or demeaned its severity. These individuals and entities are in a conspiracy to cover up Trump's dilatory action and pretend this PLAGUE is not serious, or demean it or as the shifting winds have blown them about, now deride anyone who would tell the truth about Trump's lack of due diligence as president in a crisis.
The American people are not a part of his limited liability company. The adult children of those who have died in the nursing home in Washington state, those who have prematurely died in other nursing facilities and managed care units and those others with compromised immune systems should sue Trump et. al. in a class action for wrongful death promulgated in the continual disinformation campaign to "pretty up" an ugly, deadly virus.
The Woman's March against Trump's election, NYC, January 2017 (Carole Di Tosti) |
Covid 19 can be easily fought with enough resources if you know math, understand the logic of the disease and follow procedures of testing, contact tracing and quarantine like the City of Vò, Italy has done and as public health officials have stated should be done over and over in articles since epidemics have broken out (SARS, MERS, EBOLA). In the city of Vò out of three thousand people, only 1 person died. They tested everyone and brilliantly, they tested the asymptomatic and they performed contact tracing and isolated accordingly. That made all the difference. They have eradicated the disease in their city. They test anyone coming in and out.
A plague rat I purchased in Siena, Italy in 2003, never thinking I would experience a pandemic (Carole Di Tosti) |
Still, (this supposedly reversed yesterday-March 28th after grave criticism) Trump has not employed military grade production ordering companies to produce a massive output of supplies, tests, respirators, hazmat suits, masks, gloves. Every state must have massive testing and contact tracing and then quarantining and then hospitalization if needed. They don't. Only New York's Governor has a handle on this disease and he is helping governors of surrounding states to ramp up testing and isolation. (It has still not occurred on a massive objective level. Is it only Trumpist donors who get the government contracts for quid pro quos? Is there oversight?)
Supplies, PPE are needed in the multimillions weekly to serve the population of the states which have the virus and are spreading it but don't know it yet because they don't test. These supplies must be scaled up, produced like munitions in this war. But Trump is deaf, dumb and blind as he self-congratulates about the great job he is doing and Mike Pence bows and thanks him every time they are near each other to speak on television, a campaign rally for Trump to show how well, how PERFECT things are going.
Trump waxing greatness (courtesy of the media) |
Meanwhile, in NYC hospitals because of a lack of supplies/protective equipment (that Trump and his staff have lied, saying it is plentiful) nurses are using garbage bags to cover themselves as they treat patients. They are reusing masks, degrading the masks' power and effectiveness, thereby increasing their vulnerability to the disease. Reports are coming that medical workers are coming down with Covid 19 and now have to be cared for. The medical staff is in extreme jeopardy as a result: the first nurse has died. How many doctors and nurses will follow her? If we lose our medical staff, we will lose the war and millions will die. Experts are warning this constantly. Their deaths are needless.
Recorded are examples of deaths, exploding the myth that youth are invulnerable. Three who have died in NYC of the increasing numbers: one man in his 70s, one 60, another in her thirties. Furthermore, if you are pregnant and ready to have your baby? Do not go to the hospital. Call a midwife. They can't take care of you. The ER is filled with coronavirus cases. One man died in front of others who waited for care; another while he waited on a long line to get in just to be tested. Just another day in the world of this PLAGUE. (The disease has morphed so that 20-50 somethings are coming down with blood clots which cause heart attacks and strokes. In 8 year-olds, toxic shock is being reported and extreme inflammation causing sever breathing problems. No one is safe.)
On a scale of how the US is doing with the disease, we have been rated an "F." This is not overblown, fake news trying to make Trump look bad to destroy his election chances a QAnon canard. If the news can't report the facts, then just go outside if you are in any state "not impacted" as Trump suggests there are such states. Go out, have fun, congregate, listen to Trump at the implication that this is a plot of the media and ignore the news. Don't believe any of it. I would advise you to do the opposite and listen, not to Fox, but to MSNBC. But oh, I forgot. That is liberal media. Yes, and they are concerned with your life and their lives. They want this pandemic over sooner than later. That means listening to the experts and officials like Governor Cuomo. That is what I would advise. But do what you want.
I wish Covid 19 were fake and it was a media hyped disease that is not serious. Then all of this could go away poof, and I would be able to run to the store for anything I like without worrying about giving THE PLAGUE to others. I would be seeing and reviewing Broadway shows and traveling the world to theater and film festivals, instead of hunkering down and not leaving my 650 square foot apartment.
My toolkit to disinfect supplies and keep areas and myself sterilized (Carole Di Tosti) |
Florida's beauty colors the invisible Covid 19 which lurks everywhere (Carole Di Tosti) |
Florida's canals, Sarasota (Carole Di Tosti) |
I could be like them, the hoaxists, my mind free and clear, nonplussed by what is happening to those Jews, "niggers" and brownies and the damn "chinks" who brought it into the country* into Jew York SIN City. These racial epithets represent the southern-northern-midwestern Red Neck, fascist, neo Nazi, white supremacist view. I am one of those Jews; I live here. Sucks for me.
Does Trump deserve to be reelected with his failed response? |
Well, we are not accountable to him. He must be not be obeyed. His orders are in direct violation of the constitution, the national defense and the safety of Americans who are dying because he didn't act when he should have. Since he is not responsible for their deaths which is in the oath he swore to the constitution and Americans, than neither should American citizens listen to or adhere to anything he says. He has blown out the walls of the presidency, tantamount to a war lord defending only his own regime, not the United States.
Putin and Trump in agreement, what? (courtesy of the media) |
GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell (courtesy the media) |
Is it any wonder that the power of the virus was pooh poohed by Rand Paul who acted irresponsibly to spread the virus to members of the senate when he swam in the pool, ate in the lunchroom knowing full well he tested positive? Is it any wonder that people in Suffolk County when I post that Trump is guilty of crimes against humanity mock me and post memes insisting Trump will win in 2020? Is it any wonder that people think he is right? This obtains, despite the fact that Trump ignored Intel reports about the coronavirus, despite the fact that he boasts in his lies about a democratic plot against him, despite the fact that he boasts and bullies that the media doesn't want to see him reelected and is giving him "BAD PRESS ABOUT THE VIRUS"
Make no mistake. Trump is forced to deal with this pandemic; it has stripped him naked. However, if he takes no responsibility for his behavior during this season of THE PLAGUE it will blow its hurricane force against him in the number of deaths he is responsible for. Of course he will do everything in his power to be reelected. If this pandemic and the disastrous economic fallout as a result of it makes him "look bad" in his perception, he will lie, he will cover up, he will spread disinformation and jeopardize the lives of the American people continually as he began to do in early 2017. He will continue to commit egregious, willful acts of negligence as he has done during his presidency. This is criminally negligent homicide. If seniors die if he opens up the markets and the country, he will ignore that fact and do it with Fox News at his back denying the true numbers. He is a presumptive criminal warlord genocidist. He is not the president of the United States and all that represents and has represented. He must not be listened to unless he acts for the good of the nation. He must be removed or the fate of this country is in the hands of the devil, not God. It is no longer one nation under God, but it is a nation under Moloch. Jesus Wept! Everyone who is a spiritual Christian stands against this spiritual onslaught.
The problem is, we will learn who is the most vulnerable during the course of the disease as COVID-19 plays genetic roulette with Americans' immune systems. It is not a hoax. But some will die with Trump's name on their lips praising his behavior. The cult continues, and many of his supporters number as the most vulnerable. And in an unwitting pact they have made to support the fascist who is unfit, a suicidist and sadomasochist, they will die because that's what happens to cultists who become blind, deaf and dumb to the insanity of their leaders.
Governor Cuomo says that New York is the canary in the coal mine. I agree and appreciate his honesty and his values in lifting up human life. He is doing all he can to save our lives as best he can under an imperfect, implausible situation he has been forced to deal with as governor. I thank him, his team, his staff, his brother and family and his father's spiritual influence over him in this crisis. And my prayers are to all those on the front lines of this war, the doctors, nurses, medical staff, the service workers in the supermarkets, the garbage pickup, the superintendents in condos and apartment buildings, the police and fire department, those who stock the shelves of supermarkets, all who are allowing us to get to the next day. Thanks to all of you.
When Trump was elected, I widely told friends, "I am not ready for a Trump presidency." And I realized what I was saying because coming from New York, I was familiar with what and who the man is. But now, I am ready for him to be presidential. Our lives depend upon it. God help us. (It is 5/5. He still is not leading the country. (Cuomo has become the de facto president millions listen to each day as he forges NY, representatively the US forward.)
*(actually Trump brought it in with the delay and his mishandling of the cruise ship allowed to molder with evolving cases of the people who were then transported in a bus without protective gear to infect the West Coast, sourced from a whistleblower who blew the whistle on the covert mishandling of these people)
UPDATE: It is September 17, 2020. COVID-19 has killed 201,403 individuals in the US which has the largest number of deaths on the globe. The Woodward tapes of Trump admitting that in January he knew that COVID-19 WAS A VERY DANGEROUS DISEASE have been publicized on the "brave" news stations. I do think there is a blackout on other news stations. Woodward's book with the 18 interviews of Trump going on the record came out yesterday. Woodward was sworn to a secret project, a longitudinal study with Trump on tape, live and as truthful as it gets that began 10 months ago. Trump's own knowledge of the deadliness of this disease is heard in his own words. Why he continues to hold rallies and perpetrate the lie that only his which supremacists believe against all science, that COVID-19 IS a hoax (Trump himself says it is fatal and deadly) and then the flu (Trump says it is fatal and deadly) is anyone's guess. Trump wants the stock market to remain high. He is banking, yes banking on HERD IMMUNITY. In other articles on this blog, I've discussed the problem with HERD IMMUNITY. Actually, it doesn't exist. Science has not proven it doesn't or does exist because the virus is novel. If everyone gets it, that is tragic because it compromises the immune system FOREVER. So, don't breathe the air. White supremacists will commit suicide rather than to go against Trump. Nothing can be said to them.
Shakespeare's Cassius in the play Julius Caesar says, "The fault Dear Brutus is not in our starts, but that we are underlings." White supremacists' adherence to being Trump's underlings along with officials in the WH like DOJ William Barr is beyond reason. They believe lies and follow lies-the reason is immaterial. Trump's fraud can only be held to their account. At this stage arguments are useless. "It is what it is. Trump is what he is." God help us.
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